Friday, 27 May 2011
I'm back! (again)
Saturday, 26 September 2009
I'm back!
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Gallivanting and knitting
Here is a picture of me being impressed with Barcelona, on top of the tourist bus.
I haven't done much cross stich recently, I seem to have been bitten by the knitting bug again. I did make and complete one mini-project, which turned out to be horrible, so I'm never going to mention it again, and will never photograph it.
This next project is shaping up quite promisingly though - can you tell what it is yet? I've only completed 3 squares so far, there will be 25 when I've finished, in four different colours.
And I'm still working on that other big project, but I'm not ready to share it with you yet - a couple more weeks should do it, I reckon - at least for a WIP pic.
Sunday, 25 January 2009
My absence
Normal blogging will be resumed shortly with news of a brand new project that I've been working on....
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Wood Sprites and Gingerbread Houses
This is my wood sprite. He makes things grow and looks after the garden, or at least he will do from next spring onwards. He's only a few weeks old and is still a little bit too vulnerable to be left out in the December frost. Until then he will be wintering on my mantelpiece, where it's safe and warm, and wherer everyone can admire him properly.
He doesn't have a name. He's a wood sprite - they don't believe in names.
And here is my finished gingerbread house for tomorrow's 'event' in the office. Apparently my house is too 'plain'. I disagree - I like it just the way it is (and besides, I've ran out of royal icing and the sweets just won't stick on with plain glycerine).
(I had a bit of a Photoshop moment with the sky there - I don't know whether your noticed. I didn't feel the kitchen cupboard was the right sort of background for my gingerbread house.)
Since this photo was taken, a car has been added which is brilliantly cute - a bit like Noddy's car except with Liquorice Allsorts for wheels, a chocolate button for a steering wheel and two Jelly Tots for headlamps.
Taking it into work tomorrow will be interesting, it's on a very large and slightly wobbly board. I'm torn between wanting somebody to help me take it into the building, and being a little bit ashamed of being seen...
I'm really looking forward to sseing everyone elses though - I've had a sneaky preview of a couple of them, and they're awesome - they completely put mine to shame! I will take photos to show you.
The first ever Cross Stitch Patterns Blog Carnival is now up at, and my red mushroom is one of the ones up there. There are only a few patterns up this time, but I hope it will grow, as it could be a great resource for stitchers.
Speaking of cross stitch - here's a quick update of my current WIP - she's coming along, but I'm afraid I've abandoned all hope of getting her finished in time for Christmas!
Sunday, 16 November 2008
A new free cross stitch pattern
I have created and posted it response to a request via etsy from Rachel (Hi, Rachel!).
A request! Can you believe it? I'm so chuffed... :o)
I will probably expand the collection with a blue one and/or a yellow one in the following weeks, depending on time and stuff.
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Things I did in November
Handsome J and I went to Paris for a 5 day break. It was lovely, Paris is lovely, the food was lovely (with the exception of a tripe sausage - which I will never be ordering again) and even the weather was lovely. Here is a photo of the Eiffel Tower, taken from a boat trip on the Seine.
Since my visit to Paris I've become super-conscientious with my French classes and homework, I'm reading french magazines and even a french book (a kid's book - Le Petit Prince, but it has more words than pictures so you should be very impressed.), I'm listening to french radio in the office on the internet when the boss isn't looking, and I've even found some french penpals. I have come over all keen and enthusiastic and am making the most of it while it lasts.
I haven't managed to do any more cross-stitching since the last photo I posted, and I don't remember the last time I did any knitting or sewing. However, I have finished a few more items in pottery, including:
1) Four dark blue glazed earthernware buttons. I don't know what I will use them for yet, but they're gorgeous and completely tactile - like polished pebbles. I can't walk past them without picking one up to hold and stroke. I should make more. J made the dish that they're sitting in.
2) Fairy-cake stands. These were turned in a single piece on the wheel and haven't yet been glazed. I need to sand them down a bit before I can glaze them to make sure they're as lovely as they can be. They've been sitting around the house waiting to be sanded for the past 3 weeks though - I must try to do them this weekend.
The cake stand in the front is a bit lumpy because of a failed experiement involving slip and a doiley. I reckon it'll be ok in the end.3) And this is my favourite - a hand-built (i.e. not thrown on the wheel) cake stand, glazed using paper dolieys for resists which was (frankly) a genius idea that I will doing again and again.
This is me and L at the ice rink this morning, after a session practicing our backwards skating (did I mention that I've taken ice skating lessons?). I'm the one on the left that looks like a big, frumpy polar bear. Hmph.