Sunday, 1 February 2009

Gallivanting and knitting

We've been to Barcelona! It was only a super-quick visit for a couple of days to take advantage of Ryanair's 1p flights (best not think about the imapct on our carbon footprint...) - and it was lovely. I'd never been before, and I was thoroughly impressed - but two days really isn't enough. I want to go back and next time I would like it to be for a week or so. We were very lucky with the weather - it has apparently been quite cold there a couple of weeks previously, but it was a glorious 21 degrees during our visit (although getting chilly in the evenings), which is fantastic for us coming from a Welsh January!

Here is a picture of me being impressed with Barcelona, on top of the tourist bus.

I haven't done much cross stich recently, I seem to have been bitten by the knitting bug again. I did make and complete one mini-project, which turned out to be horrible, so I'm never going to mention it again, and will never photograph it.

This next project is shaping up quite promisingly though - can you tell what it is yet? I've only completed 3 squares so far, there will be 25 when I've finished, in four different colours.

And I'm still working on that other big project, but I'm not ready to share it with you yet - a couple more weeks should do it, I reckon - at least for a WIP pic.