Tuesday, 22 July 2008

She's finished!

I've been off work poorly for a couple of days, which has given me the opportunity to finish Kewpie!

She's hanging out to dry now after a gentle hand-wash to dislodge some the grime and biscuit crumbs that had found their way into the work during stitching. Next steps will be a good ironing over a fluffy white towel, and a trip to the framers on Saturday.


Mom2fur said...

I scrolled down a bit to get more info on Kewpie and am stunned she is cross-stitched! Wow, I thought you transferred a photograph to fabric. I can't even imagine how many stitching hours it took to make her! Beautiful work!

Friendly Flamingo said...

Thank you! :o)

According to my workings out (http://friendlyflamingo.blogspot.com/2008/07/some-sums.html), I reckon it took in the region of 220 hours!