Here is a picture of me being impressed with Barcelona, on top of the tourist bus.
I haven't done much cross stich recently, I seem to have been bitten by the knitting bug again. I did make and complete one mini-project, which turned out to be horrible, so I'm never going to mention it again, and will never photograph it.
This next project is shaping up quite promisingly though - can you tell what it is yet? I've only completed 3 squares so far, there will be 25 when I've finished, in four different colours.
And I'm still working on that other big project, but I'm not ready to share it with you yet - a couple more weeks should do it, I reckon - at least for a WIP pic.
Just popping in to say hello and what a fab bag pattern you are giving away. xx
Thank you! I'm part way through revising the pattern, which I will try to finish very soon.
I would like to call attention to a special project that
your readers might be interested in.
We are hosting a blog that aims to receive anonymous confessions for a book project.
The confession can be anything
- as long as it’s a secret one wants to share.
Don’t worry. We also want the secret to be safe. We only ask for the occupation, age, and location of the confessor.
Please visit us at
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