Monday 11 February 2008


Phew! I've been busy! Far too busy and much too tired to blog, I'm afraid.

I started my new job - which is very tiring. I'd forgotten how exhausting it can be trying to live up to people's expectations. It's good though, I think. Too early to tell, but it seems ok.

We've had a man in to do the damp proofing in the house. And the kitchen has been moved into the lounge in preparation for a brand spanking new kitchen, which will be lovely, and will (touch wood) help us to sell the house that bit quicker.

My Japanese classes are good. The teacher is lovely and full of contagious enthusiasm, and is completely engaging. (Kon wan ban, Noriko sense). It's going to be difficult though, I reckon.

I've done no cross stitch, sewing, knitting or anything else even remotely crafty. That will come when all is settled and calm again.

And no photos today, either. Next time. I promise.

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